Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Don Celadina Reviews "My Wife Is Pregnant"

Don Celadina recently reviewed the comic over at his Tumblr blog. Thanks, DCel, for the kind words!

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When I got back from KOMIKON, the first book I read was the last one I picked-up: Mark Rosario’s “My Wife Is Pregnant”. I’ve seen Mark’s strips posted on Facebook and it really was amusing. It made me smirk or LOL in front of the screen, disturbing the peace of our office.

I was excited when I heard that Mark planned to leap into indie publishing by making those strips into a full-pledged comic book. “An Authobiographical Comic Book”. It was right there on the cover. I should’ve known that this wouldn’t just be a humorous and sometimes self-depracating take on his road to fatherhood. What Mark made was a “love letter” to his wife and kid.

Keep it up Mark and start writing/making the second installment. I am sure dad’s and expectant parents will enjoy your work. I DID. And my “wife” isn’t even pregnant.


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